Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Show momma some respect

I saw this quote today and it got me thinking....
So the other day I was ranting about how kids deserve two parents.  Now onto the kids....Treat your parents with some respect will ya!  Mostly I am speaking to adult children of Aging parents.  I have been working with the elderly for the past 7 years and can't stand the way most people treat their aging parents.  Sure your mom and dad may not have been perfect but are you?  My guess is no your not perfect.  We all say and do things that probably could have been done differently.  I can not stand to see the way our aging generations are treated. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's not all about you

I found out recently that my brother is going to be a father for the first time.  Like many people in this day and age he is not married to the mother but that isn't such a big deal.  As I was talking about his situation with my daughter's father, we came to the conclusion we are the exception to the rule.  We are not married, never have been.  We have been friends for over twenty years so maybe that is part of why we get along so well.  We have had our problems in the past just like most people.  The exception in our case is that everything we do is for the benefit of our child.  We don't engage in petty arguments or play the game of you can't see her because I'm pissed at you.  Really!  Why do women do this stupid stuff. And yes, I am calling out women because let's face it, usually the woman has custody and therefore calls the shots.  Here's the thing ladies....Quit acting like you are a child and rememer you are RAISING a child.  That precious person that was put on this earth for you to mold, shape and influence to the best of your ability!  Don't fill their heads with anger, jealousy and betrayal because they see and hear everything you do.  Don't get me wrong, there are dead bead dads out there, but there are dead beat moms too.  Also remember, lack of payment of child support does not constitute lack of visitation!  My daughters father and I have never engaged in this sort of behavior.  I find it ignorant.  Every child deserves to have both of their parents in their life.  And if he is wanting to be part, LET HIM.  He deserves the chance.  I see so many good dads out there that want to see their kid but the mom refuses because of some stupid excuse.  "I don't like his girlfriend" Lame ladies! Your'e probably just jealous because he isn't with you anymore.  Get over it and find someone else.  "He is late on his support payment" Again, lack of payment doesn't mean he doesn't get visitation.  If you want to raise a happy, well rounded kid, they deserve the best you can offer.  This means remembering that life is hard and not always fair but noone ever said it would'nt be.  If people would just remember to try and treat each other with respect and kindness.  Do what they say they are going to do the first freaking time and in general quit being mean, just think of the kids we could raise.....